Century Solo Brass

8Dio Century Brass is the most comprehensive collection of deep-sampled expressive Brass ever created. We have recorded over 350 hours of brass and the project includes both Solo, Divisi and Ensemble Horn(s), Trumpet(s) and Trombone(s) and assorted Solo Brass (ex. Flugelhorn, Cimbasso, Tuba etc). We want to make 8Dio Century Brass a living- and transparent project, so you (the community) can follow the different stages of production of the library and part-take in the creation. We have spent the better of a year developing a variety of new sampling techniques that are incorporated into Century Brass. We hope you will come back and check out this web page as the project develops. We will be posting a variety of things here, including early demos and other things. Century Solo Brass is set for release in June 2017.
June 21th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass “The Trumpet” Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon.
June 19th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass “The Trombone” Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon.
June 17th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass “The Flugel Horn” Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon.
June 16th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass “The Flugel Horn” Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon. /w big verb
June 14th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass “The Tuba” Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon.
June 11th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass "The Cimbasso" Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon.
June 8th 2017:
8Dio Century Solo Brass "The Horn" Pre-Order BETA Program Begins June 22nd 2017. More information soon.
May 26th 2016:
Another example of the French Horn sections in Century Orchestral Brass with DECCA microphones. The demo starts with our 12-Piece French Horn Ensemble playing staccatissimo followed by our 6-Piece French Horn Ensemble playing staccatissimo with a more stopped fashion. The end of the demo combines both the 6 and 12-Piece Ensemble for a larger body of sound with a piercing quality on top.
May 20th 2016:
In this example we explore different French Horn sections in Century Brass. The demo starts with a softer legato articulation using our 12-Piece French Horn Ensemble. The second example is using our 6-Piece French Horn Ensemble playing a more piercing and forte-based legato. The last example combines both the 6 and 12-Piece Ensemble. Notice how you have the body from the larger ensemble, but the more piercing sound of the 6-Piece section. One of the many unique aspects about Century Brass is the fact we recorded several different ensembles pr. instrument. In the case of French Horns you have Solo Horn, 2-Piece Horn, 3-Piece Horn, 6-Piece Horn and our majestic 12-Piece Horn Section.
May 18th 2016:
Century Brass is currently in heading towards BETA and we will be posting a variety of examples in coming months. Here is an example of our Solo Flugelhorn. The example contains two different types of lyrical legato - first one soft and second one with a stronger presence. Century Brass is all about encapsulating emotion in the brass, so you can truly feel the players, the room, the intention in the samples.
December 12th 2015:
Check out our 4 Trumpets Marcato Legato, which is a strong, fanfare inspired type of legato. One of the suggestions we got from our wonderful community was to sample brass in both Solo, Divisi and Ensemble form - and that is exactly what we did. So you have Solo Trumpet, 2 Trumpets, 3 Trumpets and 4 Trumpets.
December 11th 2015:
One of the key focal points of our Century Series is to focus on the entire dynamic range of the instruments. From the very subtle to the very not-so-subtle. In todays example we explore the more gentle nature of our 2 Horns Soft and Expressive Legato.
December 10th 2015:
So following yesterdays announcement of Century Strings - we wanted to give you a little update on Century Brass, which is currently in alpha. It's been taking us years to develop these new sampling techniques, but we think the end-result stand for itself. It is not just powerful and vibrant, but addresses the entire dynamic range of the instruments - from the subtle to the heroic. We finally have the brass library we always wanted! More soon.
October 30th 2015:
We will be sharing a lot more very soon. But in the meantime enjoy this little piece of orchestral truth. The irony is that so many orchestral libraries have over-focused on nailing the triple-F and sorta ignored the more common softer articulations. Century Brass is about paying attention to all the dynamic aspects of brass - from the delicate pianissimo to the roaring FFF - and everything in between. So whether you are doing an expressive "Saving Private Ryan" type of fanfare or needs balls-to-the-walls sections - you have it all.

September 17th 2015:
First sonic glimpse at our Solo Trumpet Legato Fanfare by Colin O'Malley. The test was done with an early alpha version. The final version will also include legato repetitions, so you can do fluent note reps in legato mode. We've got some incredible things coming!
August 8th 2015:
We've just completed all the recordings for Century Brass, which contains over 240 hours of consecutive recordings, including Solo, Divisi and Ensemble Horn(s), Trumpet(s), Trombone(s) and a large assortment of exoteric brass (ex. Fluegel Horn, Cimbasso, Tuba etc). We are now in the second stage of production, which is going through all the assets, getting everything properly organized for editing and clean-up. We will be sharing examples as soon as we can. We are insanely excited for this!
July 20th 2015:
Thank you for an overwhelming response! We received well over 250 questions for our Podcast and it was amazing to see that the majority of responses from you (the community) were closely aligned to our initial plans. We will be incorporating a variety of your suggestions into the final product and share more as we go deeper into production. Enjoy the Podcast and thanks again for all the great feedback!
July 12 2015:
One of the most frequent requests we have gotten over the years is deep-sampling of orchestral brass. The current generation of brass products on the market are good, but there is room for great improvement in terms of articulations, features, recording techniques and many other aspects of development. We want to invite you to tell us about your experience with brass products. What works? What doesn't work? What features do you love and what features would you like? Are you missing any particular articulations? Is there a specific type of User Interface you prefer? We want you to participate in what will be the greatest brass collection ever done. We have booked a hall for a month and massive sessions with all brass groups (Solo, Divisi, Ensemble), so you tell us what you want and we will do our best to make it happen. The ambition of 8Dio Century Brass is to make this an open and transparent project from start till ending. So give us ALL your input on our Facebook page and we will address all the questions in a Podcast July Friday 17th We need all your input by Thursday 16th of July and will keep you posted as the project progresses.
Let's make this happen and lets do brass the right way - once and for all.
Sincerely, Troels & Colin