Orchestrating with Agitato Gr

We have been receiving some requests in regards to providing midi files from our demos and demonstrate how to best use our Agitato Grandiose Legato. In this video Colin O'Malley demonstrates a variety of basic orchestration techniques for strings using our Agitato Grandiose Legato instruments. At 8Dio we're always wresting with the best way to demo our products. Some users prefer isolated instrument examples. Others want to hear things in context. We hope this video hits both of those points. We feel it gives a very honest and exposed view of what our Agitato Grandiose legatos sound like.
We're also providing midi files for many of the examples in the video. We hope this will be a valuable tool to compare string libraries from other developers.
One important note - the midi data in this file is focused on making Agitato sound great. Please take the time to finesse it appropriately for other libraries. That's the only fair way to compare! You can download midi and mp3 files by clicking here