Deep Solo Strings Bundle
- Deep-Sampled Virtuoso Solo Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass
- 88 Articulations for every instrument
- 3 Advanced True Polyphonic Legatos
- 18 Types of Short Notes
- 25 Types of Bowing Arcs and Arc FX
- 12 Types of Ostinato & 16 Performance Arts
- 43.66GB // 74,454 Samples
- Microphone Control Near & Ambient Positions
- Tempo Synced Performance & Measured Articulations
- Kontakt 5.8.1 (or later) Full Retail Required
- Kontakt Player versions available through Native Instruments
- Delivered by Download
88 Ultra-Detailed Articulations
The 8Dio Deep Solo Series are among the most detailed and playable virtual instruments around. We recorded 4 of the greatest solo string players in Europe, principals in the BBC orchestra and other ensembles, at Scotland’s Premiere Recording Studio: Gorbals Sound. We deep-sampled all 4 instruments with the same plethora of 88 articulations ranging from true polyphonic legato to a wealth of short-note options, dozens of velocity-based arcs, twelve different Ostinatos, and performance-based articulations.
To allow full customization of the sound, the strings were recorded dry with dual-microphone techniques. This combined method allows you to freely blend between a direct signal and a more spacious and ambient position, enabling you to control the positioning and distance of the Violin accurately.
The 88 articulations are organized into six separate categories. Each offers a range of features and playing styles, and all are easily accessible from the in-built browser system. The strings feature five individually recorded Legato articulations enabling you to play in a variety of styles, speeds, and with or without a mute (con sordino). Of course, Deep Solo Strings includes polyphonic legato for all of these varieties as well.
The 6 main categories are Shorts, Longs, Bowed, Bowed FX, Measured, and Performance. The Shorts category contains 18 articulations, with a huge variety of note lengths, bowing techniques, pizzicatos, trills, and more. The Longs category includes 19 articulations, from sustains to tremolos, harmonics to con sord, trills to sul pont, and a range of 5 legatos. The main legato includes 3 different types of transitions, controlled by velocity. So, playing soft will trigger a slower legato, and playing hard will trigger a faster transition.
The Bowed category includes a huge variety of arcs at different lengths, with different techniques (con sord, varying vibrato, etc.). The Bowed FX category has even more arcs with even more techniques (tremolo, sul tasto, sul pont, etc.). The Measured category includes a variety of repeating patterns that sync to your host tempo (ostinatos). Finally, the Performance category houses shorter patterns and techniques, such as triplets, that also sync to your host tempo.
We made sure to capture the subtle, masterful nuances of every sound in this vast collection of solo strings so that when you play them, your music will spring to life. Moving across dynamic ranges and techniques sounds natural, lifelike, and vivid, ensuring that the strings will shine in any circumstance or genre. With a collection this deep, you will have all the tools you need for all things solo strings.




The entire Studio Series allows you to load the ideal set of articulations needed for your specific project. You can customize key switches and save your custom patches for quick access later. There are eighty-eight playing styles and articulations organized into six core categories: Shorts, Longs, Bowed, Bowed FX, Measured, and Performance. With the included individual patches for each articulation, you can load exactly what you need for your workflow.


The Deep Solo Series offers a vast collection of fully tempo-synchronized patterns and short phrases, including fluid Portato passages, Detaché, measured tremolo, and more. The Performance category offers multiple Tuplet, Triplet, Swing & Jeté (Riccochét) phrases, all with various dynamics & round-robins.
Along with traditional orchestral articulations, Deep Solo Strings ventures into the more esoteric, compelling, and enticingly evocative realm of solo string sounds. We have also included a deep range of Con Sordino (Muted), Sul Tasto (on the fingerboard), and Sul Ponticello (below the bridge) articulations, just to name a few.