Free Home
- An 8Dio and Community Collaboration
- Also available with the free Soundpaint Engine
- Rhythmic Loops & One Shot Instruments
- 1.19GB
- Advanced UI with 4-part XY Effects Engine
- Includes our Custom CHAOS Effects
- Delivered by Download
- Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required
Free From the Home
You sent us samples, and we made an awesome library. Free Home is the culmination of hours of recordings from our dedicated community and hundreds of hours of programming and design from our team. Free Home is the ultimate collaboration; it is the official follow-up to our popular Free ASMR, Free Angels, Free Radicals, and Free You libraries, which were also created in collaboration with our awesome community. The idea with Free Home was to create an instrument using a collection of sounds recorded in our users’ homes. So, we asked that people recorded or designed five or more sounds from their home (percussive, melodic, or atonal).
We received over 800 samples from our community. Using your contributions, we edited, programmed, and designed the entire collection into a large assortment of soothing, detailed, and fun instruments. As the ultimate collaboration, Free Home has Ambience, Sound Design, Custom Instruments, Noises, and Percussion libraries— as well as 20 presets designed for everyone to explore.
It was truly a joy creating this library and we hope that you enjoy it too—on the house.


All the content from the library was created by our fans. Our job was to curate all the samples, edit them, clean them, make them sound even more spectacular, categorize them, and create this library. All kudos go to our fans who dared to enter this challenge of collaboration. We are grateful for their awesome response and dedicate this library to all of them!


Explore 25 custom made instruments separated into five patches: Homebody Ambience, Designed, Instruments, Noises, and Percussion. 8Dio Free Home uses our top-notch Legion GUI, which allows the users to customize their sounds to perfection. Along with our latest CHAOS, this GUI contains four XY-Pads that can be assigned to any effect with any setting.
8Dio Free Home uses our top-notch Legion GUI, which allows the users to customize their sounds to perfection. Along with our latest CHAOS, this GUI contains four XY-Pads that can be assigned to any effect you want with any setting you want. This is the perfect addition to a non-conventional library. It’s all about innovation and new paths to explore music!