Free Radicals
- Music made with the community
- Hybrid Distorted Sound Design
- Direct download / Cloud Server System
- Product only available as a download
- Viral Ambiences (Tonal, Gritty and Rhythmic)
- Long hits and short hits
- Long risers and short risers
- True Microwaves
- Built-in browser
- 1.97GB
- Delivered by Download
- Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required
Radical and Dark
Free Radicals is a new-generation software instrument created in collaboration with over 100 sound designers from the 8dio community, as well as our 8dio team. The instrument is – scouts honor – the darkest creation you will ever come across. If you are into dark music, wild sound design and looking for an entirely fresh approach to sound design – look no further.
Free Radicals contains over 4GB (compressed down to 2GB) sound design, consisting of viral ambiences, gritty ambiences, rhythmic ambiences, three sets of long bacterial “hits” and three sets of small bacterial “hits”. In addition the library also contains a variety of parasitical risers both short and long – and a deep-sampled collection of microwave sounds.
Free Radicals is not a conventional sample library. It is not trying to be polite or polished. This is raw, hardcore crazy sampling. It is unexpected and chaotic. Impossible to tame and with a brain burning sound to it. It is the sound of the neo post-apocalypse. We triple dare you … this is the darkest library ever created.


The Freedom of over 100 Radical Sound Designers
Free Radicals is a community-based sample project, where over 100 sound designs and musicians each gave their interpretation of what sonic beauty is to them. In addition, 8Dio provided an additional 50% content from our private sample catalogues. The library has a dark soul and gritty personality to it, one that you rarely find on a traditional sample library and one that completely stands apart in its disturbing sonic character and sonic shadows.

Ease and Playability

Free Radicals contains an easy-to-use and highly playable user interface. All articulations can be accessed through the user-interface at an instant and with an insane number of immediate controls. We also integrated a custom gate function and ability to control the gate speed, so you can tempo-sync any of the thousands of sounds inside Free Radicals.
Real-Time Effects
Free Radicals has an advanced real-time effects system, allowing you to trigger effects on top of patches in real-time via key switches. You can add effects rhythmically to match your groove. The effects include Delay, Bit-Crusher, Fuzz/Distortion, Rotator, and an advanced set of custom convolution verbs, allowing you to sculpt the sounds in infinite ways.