Misfit Washboard
- Deep-Sampled Washboard
- Direct download / Cloud Server System
- 4.230 Samples / 0.42GB
- Delivered by Download
- Deep-Sampled Washboard
- Spoon Articulations
- Thimble (Thumb) Articulations
- Mini-Bells, Cymbals and mini cowbells
- Chaos FX 3.0 New Arp & Dual Convolution Reverb
- Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required
Scrub a dub dub
Welcome to Misfit: an unusual collection of 18 deep-sampled instruments. Behold the mighty washboard! We hand-scrubbed every sample in this 4,230 sample-heavy Misfit. The Misfit Washboard contains virtually any sound you can make with a musical Washboard. We recorded it both with spoons and finger thimbles. We also recorded the mini bells, cymbals and cowbells that were attached to the Washboard. Scrub away!


A Unique Washing Experience
The Misfit Washboard is not your average laundry machine, but a super deep-sampled, true musical washboard. The spoon and thimbles are both obligatory elements for washboard players, but the more refined boards contain mini-bells, mini-cowbells, and tiny cymbals that we also sampled.

Help Me!

The Misfit sample collection is not exactly your standard sample experience. To make it all easy as pie, we added a “HELPPP!” button on the front of all the user interfaces, which will explain all the features and how they work. Whether you want a little true gelato action or molto expresso vibrato, you can easily find it all by clicking the help button.
Chaos FX 3.0
We wanted to make life a little more fun for you, so we added our Chaos 3.0 FX system to the Misfit collection. First, it gives you access to a variety of new FX types, including a highly sophisticated arpeggiator, dual stereo delay, and types of custom convolution reverbs, and much more!