Misfit Trombone
- Deep-Sampled Trombone
- 1,775 Samples / 0.97GB
- Sustains & Staccato
- True Gelato & Glissandi
- True Vibrato
- Staccato Round-Robin sampled
- Chaos FX 3.0 New Arp & Dual Convolution Reverb
- 0.9GB (compressed from 2.1GB)
- Delivered by Download
- Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required
Rusty & Rough
Welcome to Misfit: an unusual collection of 18 deep-sampled instruments.
After stripping the best equipment, the state-of-the-art studios, the most expensive instruments, and even the best musicians, only the soul is left. That is exactly what we wanted to explore: a human, urban, and unique product.
The Trombone is a beautiful sound that, when played by the best musicians in the biggest orchestras, achieves such an impressive power. Now, imagine you had no money for your rent and all that was left in your storage room was that old trombone your grandma got you for no reason when you turned 10. Rusty, gritty, and rough, but with an intact soul: that’s how the MISFIT Trombone is.


Misfit Trombone
The near pitch-perfect Misfit Trombone might be the most accurate sampled instrument ever done. There is no fancy auto-tuning or phase cancellation. There is no 192Khz or 32 bit pretentiousness. Instead, you get an honest, raw, deep-sampled approach to the bone. In addition, we added some true gelato, so you can play fluent legato transitions soft, hard, auto-detected, and in glissandi.

Help Me!

The Misfit sample collection is not exactly your standard sample experience. To make it all easy as pie, we added a “HELPPP!” button on the front of all the user interfaces, which will explain all the features and how they work. Whether you want a little true gelato action or molto expresso vibrato, you can easily find it all by clicking the help button.
Chaos FX 3.0
We wanted to make life a little more fun for you, so we added our Chaos 3.0 FX system to the Misfit collection. First, it gives you access to a variety of new FX types, including a highly sophisticated arpeggiator, dual stereo delay, and types of custom convolution reverbs, and much more!