PX Add On Electric Piano 70
- Deep-Sampled CP70 Electric Grand Piano
- Sustains recorded both Pedal Up & Down
- Short Staccato Notes Recorded Separately
- 6 Factory Instruments
- Both Mono DI and Stereo AMP Stems
- 8 Hybrid Programs Designed by Troels Folmann
- 3,670+ included samples
- 2.98GB Download
- Delivered by Download
- Prophet X or XL Hardware Synth Required
- The Prophet X or XL must be running OS v2.1+
- The latest operating system can be found HERE
- ** Not compatible with Kontakt
PX Add-On 2: CP-70 E Piano
The famous Yamaha CP-70 is no stranger to extreme sampling. We sampled this legendary Electric Grand Piano in such detail that it will never need to be sampled again. The Electric Grand Piano is similar to a normal piano, except that the vibration of the strings is converted by electric pickups, similar to that of an Electric Guitar.
The CP-70 Add On contains both standard Sustains as well as Short (Staccato) notes with multiple Repetitions (Round Robins). All Sustain samples were recorded with both Pedal Up and Pedal Down positions to allow for true sympathetic resonance.
The CP-70 was recorded with a 100% analog Neve Pre-Amp Signal Flow, and further enhanced with a physical hardware chain, including a Manley Vari Mu Compressor, Original Urei 1176 (Pre-Universal Audio), Original DBX 160, and Neve 33609 Compressor.
We hope you enjoy this truly vintage experience on your Prophet X & XL!