Bowed Piano
- Emotional Bowed Piano
- True Round Robin Repetitions
- New User-Interface & FX Chaos Engine
- Traditional Bowed Piano
- Sustains & Staccato (w/ RR)
- 9 Cinematic Prepared FX Categories
- 12 Bonus Sound Design Drones & Ambiences
- 24bit/44.1kHz
- 1.33GB
- Delivered by Download
- Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required
Piano Drones
The bowing of a piano is a delicate and precise effort. Since the instrument is not designed to be bowed, we developed a variety of new recording techniques that allowed us to get deep inside the piano and record a variety of bowings and effects that haven’t been covered in previous libraries.
The library is more ambient than any of our other pianos. Bowing a piano tends to go into the more ambient and drone design direction. We bowed every single string on a world class grand, including sustains and staccato notes. We took no half measures to capture the full and deep emotion.
We then proceeded to capture a variety of ambient recordings and started developing an entire drone section of the library, based entirely on material from the piano itself. In addition, we added a vast effects section to the library, with a large array of string glissandos, scrapes, scary knocks, and various percussive effects.


Internal Browser
Textural Convolution Delay is a new way of using convolution to create textural delays. The idea is to use non-conventional convolution impulses to augment the existing sound. In addition to the normal delay of the instrument, you also get the delay and texture of the convolution.

Textural Convolution Delay

The Bowed Piano comes with a built-in browser, so you can try out all the sounds without loading extra patches. The new A/B articulation control allows you to stack multiple articulations and sounds atop one another, and to independently route them to 2 different control chains, allowing you to mix between the two using an LFO for an unparalleled level of control.
Front-Faced FX and Chaos FX
The Bowed Piano contains two parallel FX systems. The first is our new Front-Faced FX, which allows you to control the most fundamental effects (ex. Step Based Filtering, Pitch, Delay, and our new Textural Delay). You can also go deeper with our Chaos FX system, which includes Phase Modulation, EQ, Bit-Crusher, Distortion, Dual Delays, and more!