Wind Chimes
- Three different Wind Chimes types
- Direct download / Cloud Server System
- Delivered by Download
- Metal Bass Chime
- Metal Treble Chime
- Wooden Chime
- Sustained and staccato
- FX and glisses
- 0.4GB
- Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required
Cling cling
Wind Chimes are chimes constructed from suspended tubes, rods or other objects and are often made of metal or wood. Wind Chimes are usually hung outside of a building or house and are intended to be played by the wind. Sound can be produced when the tubes or rods hit a suspended central clapper, in the form of a ball or horizontal disk, or each other.
Wind Chimes may be used to observe changes in wind direction, depending on where they are hung. The 8Dio Wind Chime collection contains big metal wind chimes, tiny triangle wind chimes, and hollow wooden Wind Chimes. They were sampled in detail, so the user can control the amount of chimeniness and use them as percussive instruments.